4th Day - Nara

 I always get high recommendation to try Nara for the deer experience but never did I expect Nara would be such a charm. After seeing the fiery autumn in Kyoto, I really thought we've seen it all. Nara had me in ways I could not fathom. 

From Shin Osaka, we went to Osaka station and took Yamatoji Rapid Train to Nara Station. Travel time is around 45mins and is free from our Kansai pass. 

 JR Nara Station as seen from the outside

We took a bus from Nara Station and alighted at Nara Park. I was already excited to see deers roaming freely in the park. The foliage is a delight to the eyes plus the deers was just too good to be true. 

Nara Park

There's a line of Maple Trees at the side of the stream in the Nara Park. You can also find a lady selling the deer cracker for I think 200 yen per pack. Make sure to take the cracker one by one, my son was so clumsy that the deer took all the pack in one bite.. Hahhaha. Anyway, read the instructions on how to feed them. You need to raise your hand to tell them you don't have a cracker in hand in case you want to feed them, specially useful when you encounter old deers as they are too agressive. Make sure not to be bitten by deers as well and you wash your hands after feeding them.

you can bow your head to them and they will bow theirs too. I just did not upload the video but really it was too cute

If you are to feed deers, i think it's best to do that in front of the Nandaimon Gate. I felt the deers here are younger and are gentler. Some deers in the Nara Park are already old and are too agressive.

Nandaimon Gate

Todaiji taken from the wooden fences because we did not buy tickets to get inside


                                                   selfie with the deer..isn't she cute?

I think we spent 2 hours chasing deers and enjoyed it so much we lost track of time..hahahaa. So there, some of the places we have in the itinerary were left out like the 2 Gardens and the Kasuga Taisha Shrine not to mention the foliage in Mizuya Chaya.

Himuro Shrine

After eating icecream at the parking lot of Nandaimon Gate, we head to the right.  This was not part of the itinerary but we were just amused of the scattered yellow leaves at the side of the street. It's a small shrine.

i just love the japanese characters as backdrop

at the side of the shrine, Saw photographers doing photoshoot
took a photo too ..Model is so pretty

      passed by this cute shop, teahouse I think in Omiya Dori just before turning right going across Starbucks

Kofukuji Temple

                    felt like joining the kid here, this is from Pagoda going down to Nakatanidou street.



Bought the famous Mochi, no videos though as we did not line up.
We just bought the Mochis to try. Also bought some souvenirs across Starbucks in the same street  

We walked the Nakatanidou street to JR Nara and went back to Osaka the same way we travelled earlier. Went to Dotonburi for dinner and some shopping.


saw a lot of cosplayers

This one for the book, Cremia Ice Cream


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